Donate an object

To donate an object, please contact us by telephone on 01226 204409 or e-mail using the secure form below. Plan to describe the object in detail and leave a detailed message, if possible.

We will work with you to determine whether the object meets our collecting criteria. Criteria for evaluating the object for acceptance into the collection include the following considerations:

  • Was the object made or used in Barnsley?
  • What is the object's historical significance?
  • Can documentation (written or oral) on the object be found?
  • Does the object need conservation work?
  • Does the object support the existing collection?
  • Is the object a duplicate?
  • What is the object's exhibit potential?
  • What impact would the object have on available storage space?

If the object meets enough criteria, then we will present it to the Acquisitions Committee. After examining the object, the committee will vote on its acceptance, and the Project Manager will notify you of the committee's decision. If the object is accepted, a registrar from the Collections Management Section will send you a deed of gift form. This legal document certifies that the object is yours to donate and that you agree to assign all rights associated with the object to the museum. When you sign and return the deed of gift, the object becomes part of the collection of the Peoples Sport in Barnsley Project or its successors.

Most of all - Thank You!

Learn More about the (Details of your object) option by clicking here

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